Topper the Burrowing Owl


Topper is our ambassador Burrowing Owl. Topper was transferred to ORC from another center where he was recovering from head and eye trauma caused by a car strike. The trauma left Topper non-releasable, due to permanent visual impairment and chronic torticollis.

Though they are uncommon in the Ojai Valley, Burrowing Owls are year-round residents in Southern California. They are diurnal owls that prefer open habitat and nest in underground burrows. Their numbers are declining throughout their range due to loss of habitat compounded with the eradication of the burrowing mammals that create the underground burrow systems they rely on.

One easy way you can help prevent wildlife from car strikes is to not throw food waste, even when biodegradable, out of car windows. Doing so can attract bugs, small mammals and their predators closer to the road, increasing their chances of getting hit.

You can meet Topper by booking one of our private onsite visits or one of our Zoom programs.


Topa the American Kestrel


Juniper the Great Horned Owl